Glossary of Cornhole Terms
These are just some of the terms you're likely to hear around a cornhole court. If you see something missing, suggest a term or phrase we should add with the form below.
When you throw the bag straight through the hole.
And One
When you throw a bag that knocks one of your opponents bags off the board and goes in the hole.
When you land a bag in the middle of the board in an attempt to keep your opponent from sliding the bag into the hole.
When an airmail drags 1 or more other bags into the hole with it. See also "Waterfall" and "Everybody into the Pool" Credit: Nic Feinstein
A bag hanging off the back or side of the board.
When a player throws a bag that curves around other bags already on the board.
Dirty Bag
When the bag lands on the floor without touching the board.
When you pull a bag that's sitting on the board into the hole with another bag, whether a slider or an airmail.
Everybody into the Pool!
Fun thing to say when somebody throws a cannonball or a waterfall.
Floor Bagger
When all four of your bags end up on the ground (and not by going through the hole...)
Four Bagger
When you get all four bags in the hole in a frame.
One of the two sides of a cornhole court.
A bag that's overhanging the hole.
No Blood
When two players earn the same number of points, which cancel each other out, resulting in no score change for the frame. Also commonly called a wash.
Pitcher's Box
The space beside a board from which you must throw the bag. It extends the length of the board, and 3 feet from its edge. At least one part of one foot must be within the pitcher's box when you release the bag.
A Push
When you push one bag that's on the board into the hole with a slider.
Roll Shot
A difficult advanced shot where you intentionally throw a bag that lands just short of a pile of bags and rolls over them into the hole.
An app that makes cornhole more fun by automating round robin play and providing interactive scoreboards and a dashboard for real-time scoring.
When you land the bag on the board in such a way that it slides into the hole.
When your opponent has a bag land funny, tumble over a bunch of bags and f*ck you by inexplicably finding its way into the damn hole. Note that when the same thing happens to your bag, that's an "I mean to do that." : )
When two players earn the same number of points, which cancel each other out, resulting in no score change for the frame.
When a slider drags 1 or more other bags into the hole with it. See also "Cannonball" and "Everybody into the Pool"
Yard Sale
When all of your bags miss or slide off the board and end up scattered on the ground.